4 Times 12 | July

July has been full.  We’ve been swimming, visiting with family, playing, growing, working and enjoying the summer.  There is so much going on around here and I’m worried that once again the summer is slipping away.  There are so many things we want to do and never enough time to do them!  I feel that in the past month all of my kids have grown a tremendous amount.  Not just physically but developmentally.  Asa has an intense interest in Pokemon cards and for the first time ever is wanting to spend time with friends rather than being home.  I know this sounds silly (to anyone with older children) but it’s strange for me to see him on the phone and having a life of his own outside of our family.  Finley is branching out and discovering a little more of his own self as Asa isn’t always available to him.  Atticus is still our happy little farm boy but growing rapidly. His unique personality is emerging.  All of our boys are so different in many ways and I love seeing the person that is  Atticus.  He is not a toddler anymore and the nuances that make him special are becoming more clear with each day.  Bea has started talking like crazy! In just a couple of weeks time she has gone from one and two syllable words to attempting entire phrases.  It’s hilarious to watch her try to repeat things and we are all enjoying her progress! Her new favorite book is “Goodnight Moon” which she read with her Aunt Nancy over and over again. She continues to keep up with the boys and make us all laugh every day.

And one more of all of them because it is so cute!


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  1. linda buttrick says:

    Katie, I feel the same way about the summer slipping away. I hope I haven’t missed anything in Ben’s boys’ lives and growth. Tomorrow we are headed to Old orchard Beach, ME to go camping for 6 days. We will have Dylan, alredy 6, with us. His parents will show for the wkend with Gavin (16 mos). Dylan loves to work with his Papa on our farm. Today they were picking whatever could be found to bring up and share. He has finally given in to being ready to swim and is all over the Greenville pool like a fish. Should be a lot of fun at the ocean! Gavin is the most cheerful toddler ever , and doesn’t feel forced to walk or anything. But he loves books, and i have to read 3 at a time before he is satisfied. He is always taking his big brother’s trucks, farm equipment and construction vehicles when Dylan isn’t around and figuring out how they work. The little guy has rhythm, loves music, dancing, singing, and clapping. Guess that must go with the territory if you are my family. Your family is beautiful. And it’s so much fun to hear of their growth and their personality traits. I hope you and your Mom have the safest and most glorious trip to Scotland. Would you ever have imagined you would be trekking around the world to perform your craft?? God bless you and Doug and your growing family. Love, Linda

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