11Months | NH Children’s Photographer

It’s official.  My baby is growing.  She just turned 11 months old and is so close to that one year milestone.  That looming first birthday when your baby shifts to toddler-hood.  I know it’s just a number and she’ll always be my baby but I also know that she’ll want less and less of that sweet cuddle time.

She is already fiercely independent.  She is walking (that super cute drunken sailor walk that I love) and there is really no stopping her.  She’s very busy.  There is just so much to explore and learn, not to mention keeping up with her brothers!  She loves to show us everything she discovers and somehow when she holds up a block for the 6th time in a row you can’t help but exclaim “Wow!  A block!”.  She knows how to turn on a light saber and as she crawls around the house we hear random swooshing sounds as if the jedi force has just landed right here in Rindge.

But mostly, she continues to amaze and delight us all every day.  We will savor this last busy month of babyhood and beyond.  We will hold her as long as she’ll allow and kiss her until her little cheeks are rosy.


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  1. Louisa says:

    I can’t believe she is almost 1 year old—-it went by so quickly. I so enjoy watching—-from afar—–the growth of your beautiful children! Thank you for sharing with us.

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