Beatrix will be 9 months old this week! I don’t know how that is possible but it is.
I was just getting accustomed to answering “six months” when people asked me how old she was and I think I’m still cramming her into 3-6 month clothes. (Luckily she’s on the smaller side). But no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to slow this train down and she keeps growing whether I like it or not.
She has definitely moved into the busy stage of crawling, examining everything, putting everything in her mouth and wanting her independence. No more just snuggling on the couch, this girl has things to do!! I love her belly laughs and how she finds peek a boo hilarious. She adores brothers and they adore her.
So here is our little 9 month old!
This is the classic Bea stare.
Special thanks to my mom, sister and niece for helping me pull this photo shoot off! There is a lot of baby wrangling to be done at this age when you do studio portraits!
She’s so beautiful, Kate!
She is so precious! Wow how time flies for sure!